SQL Developer Data Modeling offers a full spectrum of data and database modeling tools and utilities, including Entity Relationship modeling, Relational (Database Design), Data Type and Multidimensional modeling, full forward and reverse engineering and code generation. It includes importing from and exporting to a variety of sources and targets, provides a variety of formatting options and validates the models through a predefined set of Design Rules.
SQL Developer Data Modeling can connect to any Oracle Database version and later, and is platform independent. Initially available as a standalone product, with future releases available as an extension to Oracle SQL Developer. The first Early Adopter release is stand alone and file-based only. For download and additional information, please click here
Wednesday 15 October 2008
Thursday 9 October 2008
An easier way to write Mediawiki pages
One of my colleague has circulated email for MediaWiki. Following is extract from his email :
For any of you that struggle with the wiki syntax, as I do, you might find it easier to use OpenOffice, a free alternative to Microsoft Office. Writer (their version of Word) will export in MediaWiki format. So you can write your document in OpenOffice, then export to MediaWiki. As you can also open Word documents in Writer then export them. This is quite handy if you want to create a document that you can send out, but also share on the wiki.
You can download it here: http://www.openoffice.org/
A couple of limitations I've found are:
1. Image support is, well, non existant really. If you have an image in your document, it'll put a placeholder in the wiki text, but no more. But it's a start I guess.
2. Tables are all set with a default class="prettytable". None of the border or other such formatting settings are created. However, the data is in the right places (which is always the bit that gives me a headache) so adding border="1" at the top etc isn't too traumatic once the table is there.
3. Certain text sections get exported wrapped in tags. The best example is that if you have a snippet of XML in a document, it'll wrap that in so that the XML tags aren't interpreted. This makes using the wiki code syntax highlighter* a little harder, but it's not too hard to strip out the and then wrap with a
For any of you that struggle with the wiki syntax, as I do, you might find it easier to use OpenOffice, a free alternative to Microsoft Office. Writer (their version of Word) will export in MediaWiki format. So you can write your document in OpenOffice, then export to MediaWiki. As you can also open Word documents in Writer then export them. This is quite handy if you want to create a document that you can send out, but also share on the wiki.
You can download it here: http://www.openoffice.org/
A couple of limitations I've found are:
1. Image support is, well, non existant really. If you have an image in your document, it'll put a placeholder in the wiki text, but no more. But it's a start I guess.
2. Tables are all set with a default class="prettytable". None of the border or other such formatting settings are created. However, the data is in the right places (which is always the bit that gives me a headache) so adding border="1" at the top etc isn't too traumatic once the table is there.
3. Certain text sections get exported wrapped in
Tuesday 15 January 2008
SQL Deployment
Example of Directory Structure & SQL Scripts
Set up a directory structure, e.g.
Note : The "sql" folder *MUST* contain at least following scripts :
Note : The "sql" folder *MUST* contain atleast one sub-folder with schema name:
SQL Scripts
This script is used to declare database connect string and substitute passwords
* 'rollout.sql' runs declare.sql which DEFINE's substitution variables for all passwords (and for the db connect string). It then connects to each database user in turn and runs the rollout scripts for each schema.
* This script is used to install SQL for particular release (Following example is for Release 2)
* The @../../ in the paths works fine on both windows and unix. We have used @../../script.sql so that we can successfully rollout all the releases by running single 'rollout_all.sql' script.
* This script is used to install everything *upto* particular release.
Example of rollout_all.sql for release 2
In the following example, it will deploy SQL scripts for release 1 and 2.
Example of rollout_all.sql for release 3
In the following example, it will deploy SQL scripts for release 1,2 and 3.
Note : Please remember to change 'declare.sql' before running above script.
This script is used to do the following
* To list invalid objects
* Try to recompile all invalid objects
* To list invalid objects which were not compiled successfully
* To list Objects deployed / re-compiled today
* To list compilation errors (if any) after deployment
* Use @@ so that the scripts are picked up relative to the directory of the script being run
* Use @@ so that the scripts are picked up relative to the directory of the script being run
Example of Deployment Instructions
Deployment Instructions for Test Environment
1. Edit declare.sql and substitute the correct database connect string and correct passwords
2. At the command prompt:
NB. The connect string on the command line has to work but is otherwise completely ignored
3. Examine the output (spool file): no errors or warnings should occur
Deployment Instructions for Live Environment
1. Edit declare.sql and substitute the correct database connect string and correct passwords. We must modify declare.sql of every releases. In the examples given above, we should modify following declare.sql
2. At the command prompt:
NB. The connect string on the command line has to work but is otherwise completely ignored
3. Examine the output (spool file): no errors or warnings should occur
SQL Script Guidelines
* All SQL script *MUST* start with 'prompt .....'
* SQL script for procedures, functions and packages *MUST* end with 'show error'
* Script should be saved under unix format. So, if you are using UltraEdit to create / modify your script, please use 'File' -> 'Conversions' -> 'Dos to UNIX'
* Name of the script should be lower case. The script name should match oracle object name when possible.
* Package body and package definition should be saved separately.
* Script file extension :
To Do / Can be done
* We are creating declare.sql per release. Due to this, live deployment requires changes to all declare.sql. To avoid this, consider amending 'declare.sql' of first release for every subsequent deployment.
* Consider creating 'PATCH' table per schema. Insert a row with patch_id, timestamp and userid if the patch gets deployed successfully (i.e. without errors). This will allow us to track database changes by querying single table.
* Consider using Ant scripts for SQL deployment.
Set up a directory structure, e.g.
Note : The "sql" folder *MUST* contain at least following scripts :
1. declare.sql
2. rollout.sql
3. rollout_all.sql
4. recompile_invalid_objects.sql
Note : The "sql" folder *MUST* contain atleast one sub-folder with schema name:
SQL Scripts
This script is used to declare database connect string and substitute passwords
REM Defining Connection Details
DEFINE connect_string = orcl10g.world
DEFINE SCOTT_password = tiger
DEFINE HR_password = hr
* 'rollout.sql' runs declare.sql which DEFINE's substitution variables for all passwords (and for the db connect string). It then connects to each database user in turn and runs the rollout scripts for each schema.
* This script is used to install SQL for particular release (Following example is for Release 2)
spool ../../2007.12.2.0/sql/rollout.spl
Prompt Deploying scripts for Release 2
connect SCOTT/&SCOTT_password@&connect_string
sho user
PROMPT Connected as SCOTT on &connect_string
connect HR/&HR_password@&connect_string
sho user
PROMPT Connected as HR on &connect_string
PROMPT Scripts deployed for Release 2
* The @../../ in the paths works fine on both windows and unix. We have used @../../script.sql so that we can successfully rollout all the releases by running single 'rollout_all.sql' script.
* This script is used to install everything *upto* particular release.
Example of rollout_all.sql for release 2
In the following example, it will deploy SQL scripts for release 1 and 2.
PROMPT Press any key to deploy release 2 scripts or Ctrl+C to abort
Example of rollout_all.sql for release 3
In the following example, it will deploy SQL scripts for release 1,2 and 3.
PROMPT Press any key to deploy release 2 scripts or Ctrl+C to abort
PROMPT Press any key to deploy release 3 scripts or Ctrl+C to abort
Note : Please remember to change 'declare.sql' before running above script.
This script is used to do the following
* To list invalid objects
* Try to recompile all invalid objects
* To list invalid objects which were not compiled successfully
* To list Objects deployed / re-compiled today
* To list compilation errors (if any) after deployment
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
prompt | List of invalid objects before compilation |
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
column object_type format a30
column object_name format a30
column invalid_obj_cnt format 999
column error_text format a30 word_wrap
set serveroutput on
set pagesize 80
select object_type
, count(*) invalid_obj_cnt
from user_objects
where status <> 'VALID'
group by object_type
order by 1
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
prompt | Recompiling invalid objects |
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT object_name,
DECODE(object_type, 'PACKAGE', 1,
'PACKAGE BODY', 2, 2) AS recompile_order
FROM user_objects
WHERE status != 'VALID'
IF cur_rec.object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' THEN
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER PACKAGE "' || cur_rec.object_name || '" COMPILE BODY';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER ' || cur_rec.object_type ||' "' || cur_rec.object_name || '" COMPILE';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cur_rec.object_type || ' : ' || cur_rec.object_name ||' is INVALID');
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
prompt | List of invalid objects after compilation |
prompt +--------------------------------------------+
select object_type
, count(*) invalid_obj_cnt
from user_objects
where status <> 'VALID'
group by object_type
order by 1
prompt +---------------------------------------------+
prompt | List of objects deployed / recompiled today |
prompt +---------------------------------------------+
select object_type
, object_name
from user_objects
where subobject_name is null
and (created > trunc(sysdate) or last_ddl_time > trunc(sysdate))
order by object_type, object_name
prompt +---------------------------------------------+
prompt | List of Errors |
prompt +---------------------------------------------+
select name
, type
, 'Line '||line||' Position '||position||' - '||text error_text
from user_errors
-- where attribute = 'ERROR' /* Uncomment if deploying to Oracle Database 10g */
order by name
* Use @@ so that the scripts are picked up relative to the directory of the script being run
* Use @@ so that the scripts are picked up relative to the directory of the script being run
Example of Deployment Instructions
Deployment Instructions for Test Environment
1. Edit declare.sql and substitute the correct database connect string and correct passwords
2. At the command prompt:
$ cd ../2007.12.1.0/sql
$ sqlplus SCOTT/ValidPassword@ValidConnectString
sql> @rollout.sql
sql> exit
NB. The connect string on the command line has to work but is otherwise completely ignored
3. Examine the output (spool file): no errors or warnings should occur
$ cat rollout.spl
Deployment Instructions for Live Environment
1. Edit declare.sql and substitute the correct database connect string and correct passwords. We must modify declare.sql of every releases. In the examples given above, we should modify following declare.sql
2. At the command prompt:
$ cd ../2007.12.3.0/sql -- Change directory to Last release
$ sqlplus SCOTT/ValidPassword@ValidConnectString
sql> @rollout_all.sql -- Script to rollout SQL scripts of all releases
sql> exit
NB. The connect string on the command line has to work but is otherwise completely ignored
3. Examine the output (spool file): no errors or warnings should occur
$ cat ../2007.12.1.0/sql/rollout.spl
$ cat ../2007.12.2.0/sql/rollout.spl
$ cat ../2007.12.3.0/sql/rollout.spl
.. etc
SQL Script Guidelines
* All SQL script *MUST* start with 'prompt .....'
* SQL script for procedures, functions and packages *MUST* end with 'show error'
* Script should be saved under unix format. So, if you are using UltraEdit to create / modify your script, please use 'File' -> 'Conversions' -> 'Dos to UNIX'
* Name of the script should be lower case. The script name should match oracle object name when possible.
* Package body and package definition should be saved separately.
* Script file extension :
Package Specification .pks
Package Body .pkb
All other scripts .sql
To Do / Can be done
* We are creating declare.sql per release. Due to this, live deployment requires changes to all declare.sql. To avoid this, consider amending 'declare.sql' of first release for every subsequent deployment.
* Consider creating 'PATCH' table per schema. Insert a row with patch_id, timestamp and userid if the patch gets deployed successfully (i.e. without errors). This will allow us to track database changes by querying single table.
* Consider using Ant scripts for SQL deployment.
Useful Unix / Linux scripting links
Guide to Linux System Command Mastery
Improve Your Scripting with the test Command
Guide to Linux Filesystem Mastery
An Introduction to Linux Shell Scripting for DBAs
Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery Part-1
Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery Part-2
AWK: The Linux Administrators' Wisdom Kit
Using the sed Editor
Improve Your Scripting with the test Command
Guide to Linux Filesystem Mastery
An Introduction to Linux Shell Scripting for DBAs
Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery Part-1
Guide to Advanced Linux Command Mastery Part-2
AWK: The Linux Administrators' Wisdom Kit
Using the sed Editor
Thursday 15 November 2007
Tuesday 16 October 2007
Load XML into Database
Following is the extract from Oracle SQL & PLSQL Forum (Courtesy Billy Verreynne)
You can store XML as CLOB or XMLType objects.
You can easily load XML files into the database as CLOBs using the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL package - it has a load-from-file procedural call that can be made. Very easy to use.
You can store XML as CLOB or XMLType objects.
You can easily load XML files into the database as CLOBs using the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL package - it has a load-from-file procedural call that can be made. Very easy to use.
drop table xml_clob;
drop table my_objects;
-- create a table to store a large XML doc in raw format
create table xml_clob ( doc CLOB )
-- create such a raw XML document, using the ALL_OBJECTS -- table
CURSOR curxml IS
SELECT xmlelement("ORA_OBJECT", xmlforest(object_id AS "ID", owner AS "OWNER", object_type AS "TYPE", object_name AS "NAME")) AS "XML_DATA"
FROM all_objects
WHERE rownum < 100001;
dbms_lob.createtemporary(c, TRUE);
OPEN curxml;
FETCH curxml
INTO xml;
DBMS_LOB.Append( c, xml.GetCLOBVal() );
-- dbms_lob.writeappend(c, LENGTH(xml.getclobval()), xml.getclobval());
CLOSE curxml;
INSERT INTO xml_clob
VALUES ('' || c || ' '
CREATE TABLE my_objects (obj_id NUMBER, obj_owner VARCHAR2(30), obj_type VARCHAR2(19), obj_name VARCHAR2(30) )
-- call proc with a raw XML clob and have it insert the contents
-- into a relational table
) IS
INSERT INTO my_objects
SELECT extractvalue(VALUE(xml), 'ORA_OBJECT/ID')
, extractvalue(VALUE(xml), 'ORA_OBJECT/OWNER')
, extractvalue(VALUE(xml), 'ORA_OBJECT/TYPE')
, extractvalue(VALUE(xml), 'ORA_OBJECT/NAME')
FROM dual) xml;
-- the test (processing 10,000 XML rows):
set timing on
declare c CLOB;
FROM xml_clob;
set timing offselect count(*) from my_objects;
select * from my_objects where rownum < 4;
Monday 15 October 2007
Extracting from XML Datatype
(SELECT xmltype(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<transaction type="IN">
<customer id="Cust001"/>
<text1>Surrounding Areas</text1>
<iconCreditCards boolean="false"/>
<classification code="00001">
<branch bf_id="0001">
<suppress_address boolean="false"/>
<telephone_number prefix="Tel">01234 567890</telephone_number>
<address_line1>Address Line 1, Some Road</address_line1>
<postcode>PO1 BO1</postcode>
<telephone_number>02314 555000</telephone_number>
<telephone_number_2 prefix="Mobile">07834 123123</telephone_number_2>
<branch bf_id="0002">
<suppress_address boolean="true"/>
<telephone_number prefix="Tel">01234 567891</telephone_number>
<address_line1>Adress Line 1, Street Road</address_line1>
<locality>Best Locality</locality>
<post_town>Wonderful Town</post_town>
<postcode>PO1 CD2</postcode>
<telephone_number>01189 118118</telephone_number>
<telephone_number_2 prefix="Mobile">07834 123456</telephone_number_2>
extractValue(xml,'/transaction/customer@id') as CustomerID,
extractValue(xml,'/transaction/product/product_details/live_date') as startDate,
extractValue(xml,'/transaction/product/product_details/orderno') as orderno,
extractValue(xml,'/transaction/product/product_details/product_content/product_one/messagingEmailAddress') as Email,
extractValue(value(d),'/branch@bf_id') branch,
extractValue(value(d),'/branch/suppress_address@boolean') AddressSuppress,
extractValue(value(d),'/branch/branch_override_details/telephone_number@prefix') TelPrefix,
extractValue(value(d),'/branch/branch_override_details/telephone_number') TelNo
table(xmlsequence(extract(x.xml,'/transaction/product//classification/branch'))) d
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------ --------------- ----------- -------------
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------ --------------- ----------- -------------
Cust001 2007-02-21 ORD000001 myemailAddress@email.com 0001 false Tel 01234 567890
Cust001 2007-02-21 ORD000001 myemailAddress@email.com 0002 true Tel 01234 567891
---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------------- ------ --------------- ----------- -------------
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